writing GDD to collect thoughts

Update: I have returned to writing #GDD (game design document) as I realized I got lost in terms and mechanics of the prototype, so my main goal now will be to transfer all my thoughts to paper and continue working based on the notes. On the plus side - differences between code and goal become much clearer, and the "missteps" during prototyping become understandable. On the other hand - I will try not to get stuck in paper and reach the stage of testing ideas. Also

  • Fixed the ability to resume the flight from the point of takeoff
  • Fixed retry after a crash

Interesting findings on the internet:
How I Would Start Game Development https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yWvB79On10
Making UI for Total War: a UI design pipeline https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSoW-8xkaQs&t=178s

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