Text update: thoughts about today:)

**Today's update:**

- spent time to figure it out how the collisions defined in Tiled and the best ways to integrate them into the flame. Found the bonfire engine creator's youtube  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ3IvpbyQiYizpxU-QnE8Jw/videos

which gave an idea how to manage collision tiles in the better way.. So, a plan of the bunch of todos is ready, next stream will be with those todo's realisations:)

/// 1. Create a new Tile Obstacle Component with the Hitbox Polygon.

/// The polygon hitbox should be created from the GIDs and the
/// collidable tiles. The constructor should have param
/// how many tiles to the height and width should be used.

/// 2. Use Tile Obstacle Component to define collidable level.

/// 3. Write collision logic with the player.

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